King’s Daughters Medical Center

King’s Daughters Medical Center has been a client of ours since 2013, although we like to refer to them not as clients, but like to refer to them more as friends. That is just how they think of their patients, as friends, family and neighbors. As a nonprofit hospital, they survive by strong support from the community. Since 1914, that is just what they have received.

The messaging we created through print and other media demonstrates that KDMC and the physicians are “in OUR community.” They are friends, family and neighbors. Ads show that the doctors are involved in the community outside of seeing patients.

The slogan has recently evolved into “Caring for OUR community like no one else can,” which shows happy and healthy patients, outside of the hospital setting, living their normal everyday lives. Video ads use touchpoints between patients and physicians at KDMC, highlighting the daily interaction and one-on-one care that each patient receives. The commercials also show the pillars of the community which hold KDMC together—schools, neighborhoods and sporting events.

COMMUNITY is the center of who they are and what they do, and we have worked hard over the past six years to portray that in all of their messaging.

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David Culpepper

Marketing Director, King's Daughters Medical Center

I refer to our relationship as a partnership instead of a client-vendor relationship because Leading Edges is truly interested in our growth and expansion. Not only do I recommend Leading Edges, but I fully endorse them as an agency.